- extended memory specification
- спецификация расширенной памяти
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
Extended Memory Specification — Extended Memory Specification, XMS … Universal-Lexikon
Extended Memory Specification — Die Extended Memory Specification (kurz: XMS) ist eine Norm, die festlegt, wie Programme unter dem Betriebssystem MS DOS (und kompatible) auf den Hauptspeicher jenseits der 1 Megabyte Grenze (den so genannten extended memory, auch als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Extended Memory Specification — Abbreviated XMS. A standard developed by Microsoft, Intel, Lotus, and AST Research that became the preferred way of accessing extended memory in the PC. MS DOS includes the extended memory device driver HIMEM.SYS, and this command or an… … Dictionary of networking
Extended Memory Specification — standard procedure for accessing a block of extended memory of 640K just above 1MB (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Extended memory — In computing, Extended memory refers to memory above the first megabyte of address space in an IBM PC with an 80286 or later processor. OverviewOn x86 based PCs, extended memory is only available with an Intel 80286 processor or higher. Only… … Wikipedia
extended memory manager — A device driver that supports the software portion of the Extended Memory Specification in an IBM compatible computer … Dictionary of networking
Expanded Memory Specification — Die Expanded Memory Specification (kurz: EMS genannt), ist eine Software Schnittstelle zum Zugriff auf so genanntes expanded memory (oft unglücklich zu „Expansionsspeicher“ eingedeutscht) auf einem x86 kompatiblen PC im Real Mode. Sie war für PC… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Conventional memory — Memory areas of the IBM PC family. In DOS memory management, conventional memory, also called base memory, is the first 640 kilobytes (640 × 1024 bytes) of the memory on IBM PC or compatible systems. It is the read write memory usable by the… … Wikipedia
Expanded Memory System — Die Expanded Memory Specification (kurz: EMS genannt), ist eine Software Schnittstelle zum Zugriff auf so genanntes expanded memory (oft unglücklich zu Expansionsspeicher eingedeutscht) auf einem x86 kompatiblen PC im Real Mode. Heutzutage hat… … Deutsch Wikipedia
high memory area — Abbreviated HMA. In a computer running MS DOS, the first 64KB of extended memory above the 1MB limit of 8086 and 8088 addresses. Programs that conform to the Extended Memory Specification (EMS) can use this memory as an extension of… … Dictionary of networking
Extended display identification data — (EDID) is a data structure provided by a computer display to describe its capabilities to a graphics card. It is what enables a modern personal computer to know what kind of monitor is connected. EDID is defined by a standard published by the… … Wikipedia